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Pavillion Interior Design | Moet Marquee | Melbourne | Australia | LAVAPavillion Interior Design | Moet Marquee | Melbourne | Australia | LAVA

A computer-model, based on the simulation of complexity in naturally evolving systems, fed directly into a production line of sail making software and digital manufacturing for this pavilion at Australia’s premier horse race. This resulted in the efficient generation of space out of lightweight mate…

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Corporate Office Interior Design | Aurora Corporate Offices | Clearwater | Florida | MESHCorporate Office Interior Design | Aurora Corporate Offices | Clearwater | Florida | MESH

This 11,000 square foot office space is home to the U.S. corporate headquarters for one of the U.K.’s leading lighting manufacturer. With an open plan and private glass offices the space highlights their passion for lighting in the details. The showroom, conference room, kitchen and restrooms are …

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Shop Interior Design | Baldwin's Men Shop | Leawood | Kansas | Hufft ProjectShop Interior Design | Baldwin's Men Shop | Leawood | Kansas | Hufft Project

Baldwin Denim and Standard Style are two retail concepts with one owner, but completely separate identities. For Baldwin, the look is masculine and enduring. A center table runs the length of the space and terminates at one of the stores focal points -’the sewer’s room’. Dark walnut and raw steel we…

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